Friday, June 29, 2012

Spice Up Your Play Set

Kids are always looking for something new. Spice up your existing play set with any of our great accessories.

My favorite of our accessories is the Pirate Swing Set Accessory Kit. Sail the high seas with the Pirate Ship Wheel. See what is in the distance with the Telescope with Working Compass. Follow the Pirate Activity Map to locate a buried treasure!

This kit comes with everything you need to encourage imaginative play and will keep your kids busy for hours.
Pirate Swing Set Accessory Kit

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let Your Children Fly in Open Air

Kids can never have enough of swings. Feeling the wind on the face brings a million dollar smile to their face. Even if they explore all play sets in the playground, children make sure that they can enjoy one more time on the swing before leaving the park.

Child Swing
Swings are the most common playground equipment and can be seen in every other playground. There are different types of swings like molded plastic swings, metal swings and wood swings, which are available in various innovative styles. It usually becomes quite a challenging job to select the best one for your kid.

Before buying playground swings you should consider certain things. Examine the swing carefully and select the one which complies with the defined quality and safety standards. Check if there is a safety belt installed as it protects your child while he or she is enjoying at it. The swing for which you are opting for should have sturdy chains and seats should have a wide base so that your child can comfortably sit on it.

Community, school or church playground is not the only place; you can also install the swings in your backyard. Explore the vast collection of superior quality swings at, selling the equipment at reasonable prices.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Injury Prevention

Letting your kids play outside, and on playground equipment, comes with a risk of injury. However, there are steps that can be taken to help prevent injury.

According to the CPSC, 20% of playground-related injuries occur at home. Falls are the most common playground-related injury, accounting for over 75%. The CSPC shows in a 2002 survey that 75% of public playgrounds lacked the proper protective surfacing. And while that statistic is shown for public playgrounds, proper protective surfacing is equally important for residential play areas.

One of the most common ways to prevent injuries is to use protective surfacing. Rubber mulch has started replacing wood mulch in many play areas. It outlasts wood mulch and never decomposes or rots. This guarantees a lasting finished look to your play area that will keep your kids safe for years. Rubber mulch is also maintenance free. Just install it in your play area and you are finished!

Another important way to prevent injuries is adult supervision. Kids are more likely to become reckless when no adult is around to ensure that they play safe.

More and more laws are being passed when it comes to playground equipment and safety surfacing in order to keep your kids safe. Stay ahead of the trend and look into rubber mulch for your play area.

Rubber mulch installed under a swing set

Monday, June 25, 2012

Favorite Equipment

What was your favorite thing to play on in your yard growing up? Was it a set of monkey bars? Or just a simple swing?

My favorite was my trapeze bar that hung between my two swings on my swing set. I loved to climb up and sit on it and swing! I also loved to do tricks on the trapeze bar. I grew up performing in a local circus, so that is definitely why my trapeze bar was my favorite. offers a Trapeze Bar accessory for your residential play set! It is a must have accessory for any child who loves gymnastics or loves to try something new. While your child has fun, the Trapeze Bar helps build strength! This Trapeze Bar is suited for children ages 3-10.

Check out our site and see if we have your favorite!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Boy is it Hot Outside!

Good afternoon readers! I hope this post finds everyone able to relax in the shade!

It seems like the whole country is experiencing very hot temperatures right now. I hope everyone is staying hydrated and cool. But don't let the hot temps keep you from spending time outdoors. As long as you have sunscreen and water at hand you will find you can still have fun!

Some of our equipment does have a shade element included. These products are always a favorite when the sun is high in the sky! One of my favorites is the Play-Zee-Bo. It is a sandbox styled as a gazebo. The Play-Zee-Bo offers shade while kids play in the sand. Sand also can be nice to play in when it is hot outside because shaded sand is often feels cool. The polyester roof that comes with the Play-Zee-Bo is waterproof as well, meaning that kids do not have to stop playing in case of an afternoon shower!

Stay cool in the heat and have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why Do You Need a Residential Playground?

I want you to think back when you were a kid. What did you enjoy doing outside? I know I loved to swing. When I was younger I had a swing set, a play set, and a play house in my yard. I absolutely loved being on all three!

I think it is important to have some sort of play equipment outside for your children because children are spending less and less time outside. With the increases in technology, kids have games always within reach. And while a little game playing does not do much harm, it is still important for kids to get outside and be active.

We have a lot of residential equipment to choose from that will excite kids into actually wanting to be outside! From play sets to swing sets, and play houses to picnic tables, we have everything you would need to create an outdoor oasis for your kids!

I look at the equipment available today and I some times wonder why it couldn't have been that awesome when I was a kid! I still had a lot of fun on my old equipment, but some of the new stuff looks incredible!

Now that I have outgrown my play sets, my parents chose to give it to a friend for his daughter to play on. I am sad to see my old equipment go, however I am glad that I get to share it with someone else!

Our most basic play set still provides hours of fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Select Wooden Swing Set for your Backyard?

Installing a wooden swing set in your backyard is the best thing you can do for your kids. While looking for a wooden swing set for your backyard, you should keep certain things in mind.

Conover Play Set
Wooden play sets for kids are available in two styles, which are flat base and A frame base. Choose the play set after considering the slope of your backyard so that it can firmly stand on the ground. Another aspect that you should look for in play set structure is its size. Buy the one that would not cover all the space area of your backyard.

Ensure that the wooden swing set you are opting for is made up of high grade raw materials and comply with the quality and safety standards. You should also lay emphasis on the wood quality. The common woods that are used for designing playsets for kids are redwood, treated pine and cedar. With the fact that redwood and cedar are stronger and more stable than treated pine, parents prefer installing the playset made up of the former.

You should also check that all hinges and bars on the wooden play set are sturdy and swings are connected to the playset with heavy chains instead of ropes. Also, ensure that the playset has hand rails on both sides of the stairs and ladders that negate the risk of injury. For superior quality wooden playset, you can explore the wide collection of